Date: Fall 2017
Critic: Lawrence Blough
Project archived as best of studio and displayed in InProcess Magazine
Nominated for Michael Hollander Drawing Excellence Award (MHDEA)
Venice Beach, Los Angeles, California
This project envisions domestic mutations of the sharing economy.
Art Dingbat is a colony for a transient group of artists in Venice beach. The proposal envisages an artist collective which will embrace and culturally invigorate the surrounding neighborhood. The project is a union between an artist residency and urban-scale infrastructure.
The art village floats over a cleared ground plane, liberating a new public space from a capitalist domain. With the ground plane cleared, temporary artist markets and other forms of community life can foster. Above, the project encourages collaboration between its different inhabitants. Its inner flexibility as well as its undetermined work space offers a chance for interwoven networks to occur. The topological superstructure acts as a division as well as a meeting point between the artist commune above and the public forum of the street.
Life orbits around three light wells. These are comprised of large interconnected shells which branch off creating studios of varying privacy. The interstitial space is reserved to living and is characterized by a causal undetermined quality; it is an open-air space offering the residents the ability to be flood these spaces to be used for gallery-showings, collaboration, teaching, and social interaction. Through constant reconfiguration, the broken topological form creates a community-oriented shared space which seeks to challenge conventions of individual-oriented work.
In the Clubhouse, six temporary roommates, most of them musicians and artists, stay between one week and one month. Art showings may be held at any time, at which point the individual classrooms on the ground floor are opened and regions within the project can be flooded with the of the urban environment.